Danish National Centre for Lung Cancer Research will further strengthen the collaboration between hospital departments and research environments on patient near research in lung cancer. The purpose is to improve diagnostics and treatment of lung cancer while focusing on the patients' quality of life. 

In Denmark, lung cancer is the disease that causes the highest number of deaths within cancer. In spite of significant improvements in the prognosis for lung cancer patients in the last 10 to 15 years, lung cancer still accounts for 25% of all cancer related deaths. Consequently, lung cancer is a well-chosen priority area in order to reduce the overall cancer mortality in Denmark. 

Danish Lung Cancer Group (DLCG) has been working with quality monitoring and development in diagnostics, treatment and follow-ups of patients with lung cancer during the last 25 years and has thus build contact with a wide network of clinicians across Denmark. The establishment of the Danish National Centre for Lung Cancer Research will further develop this network and collaboration with a national platform for all research areas - from early diagnosis to improved surgery and oncological treatment to rehabiliation and palliative care.

The national research center aims to:

  • advance collaboration between clinical professionals and academics and thus improve diagnostic and treatment of lung cancer.
  • create a united platform for collaboration, operation on at the highest international level
  • set an effective frame for optimal implementation of evidence-based lung cancer treatment in Denmark
  • in future, be able to offer applicable lung cancer patients participation in clinical trials

The research centre is managed by Ole Hilberg, Professor in lung medicine at University of Southern Denmark and Consultant at Department of Medicine, Vejle Sygehus.

Read more about Danish National Centre for Lung Cancer Research at their website


Ole Hilberg
Professor, Consultant, DMSc.

Charlotte Rasmussen
Research secretary
