Ph.d.-kursus: The Biology and characteristic of circulating cell free DNA and circulating tumor DNA in health and disease
Dato og tid: 27.-28. maj 2025
Sted: Sandbjerg Gods, Sandbjergvej 102, 6400 Sønderborg
Arrangør: DCCC ctDNA Forskningscenter (
Tilmelding: Via dette link
Ansøgningsfrist: 3. februar 2025
Kontakt: Graduate School of Health,
ECTS: 1.6
Dette arrangement afholdes på engelsk.
Together with the Graduate School of Health, Aarhus University, the ctDNA Research Center invites to the PhD course: ‘The biology and characteristic of circulating cell free DNA and circulating tumor DNA in health and disease’.
The course will focus on the following learning outcomes:
- Basic knowledge of cell free DNA biology and markers of ctDNA.
- The necessary knowledge needed to avoid, or at least control for, biases introduced by pre-analytical processing.
- Basic understanding of the pros and cons of present state-of-the-art methods and technologies used to analyze cell free DNA (cfDNA) and ctDNA. To enable the student to choose the method/technology best suited in a given situation.
- Knowledge about the clinical situations where ctDNA may potentially be used to guide clinical decision making.
- Knowledge about pros and cons of different cfDNA/ctDNA trial designs.
- To qualify the student to design and conduct their own cfDNA/ctDNA study.
Read more about the course here.