Date and Time: May 19th 2022
Location: Technical University of Denmark, Anker Engelundsvej 101, 2800 Lyngby, building 101, room R3.146
Registration: By clicking this link, preferably by using google chrome. Registration is free of charge.
Registration deadline: May 6th 2022
Organiser: National interdisciplinary network for research in cancer immunotherapy (IMMUNONET)
Contact: Maria Ormhøj, Postdoc,
Abstract submission:
Abstract submission deadline: May 1st 2022
On May 19th 2022, the DCCC supported network IMMUNONET invites all interested to the first Danish CAR-T cell symposium. The symposium will take place at the Technical University of Denmark, Anker Engelundsvej 101, 2800 Lyngby. There will be both national and international speakers.
This symposium is funded via IMMUNONET, supported by DCCC. Additional funding via CAGci (GCHSP).
Option for dinner: self-paid aprox. 200 Dkk – more information will follow, please indicate interest in registration form.