National interdisciplinary network for research in cancer immunotherapy (IMMUNONET)
Received grant in 2017
DCCC has funded 200,000 DKK to the project.
IMMUNONET is a Danish national network of researchers within cancer immunotherapy, open to all members of the community. IMMUNONET consists of three working groups: Clinical and translational research, basic research in oncology and immunology, and bioinformatics. Each working group organizes yearly conferences, open and free for all academic researchers on the topic.
Read more at the IMMUNONET website.
Multidisciplinary organisation
National Center for Cancer Immune Therapy
Project stakeholders
- Inge Marie Svane, Department of Oncology and Haematology, Herlev Hospital. Primary contact, mail:
- Ralf Agger, Laboratory for Immunology, Department of Health Science and Technology, Aalborg University
- Morten Nielsen, Department of Bio and Health Informatics, Technical University of Denmark
- Henrik Ditzel, Department of Molecular Medicine – Cancer and Inflammation Research, University of Southern Denmark
- Lars Rønn Olsen, DTU Bioinformatics, Technical University of Denmark
- Sine Hadrup, Division for Immunology and Vaccinology, Technical University of Denmark