Ny DCCC støtte givet 12-10-22.png

Four groups of applicants have received support totaling DKK 658,500. Photo: DCCC.


The DCCC support has gone towards the establishment of national, interdisciplinary networks with a focus on new surgical techniques and experimental cancer surgery as well as cancer diagnosed during pregnancy. In addition, the preparation of an application for approval for new protocol palliative treatment for patients with cancer of the peritoneum is supported, as well as the preparation of clinical studies on the prevention and treatment of blood clots in esophageal and gastric cancer.


A total of four new initiatives have received support in the third application round of this year. The support goes, among other things, to include real world data, research in persistently difficult cancer areas with limited treatment options and create a national overview of rare conditions. All important elements that help to support DCCC's vision; that all Danish cancer patients must have access to the best and research-based diagnostics, treatment and follow-up.

Below you can read more about the four supported initiatives and the group of applicants behind each of them. At the same time, remember to note that new applications are welcome, with the next application deadline on 21 November at 08.00 pm.

National and multidisciplinary network on venous thromboembolism in esophagogastric cancer

Patients with esophageal and gastric cancer are at increased risk of venous thrombosis (VTE). We lack knowledge about VTE risk in the course of treatment as well as patients' wishes for possible prevention of VTE.

With the initiative, a national and multidisciplinary working group is formed to plan and organise studies that provide insight into the information needs and preferences of patients with esophageal and stomach cancer, who get VTE. Patients will be involved as active partners in organising the studies.

The results should contribute to improving the prevention and treatment of VTE, as well as improving communication and interaction between healthcare professionals and patients with esophageal and stomach cancer.

Multidisciplinary organisation: Danish EsophagoGastric Cancer Group (DEGC) Database and research collaboration between three regions and university hospitals in Denmark.

Primary contact person: Daniel Kjær, e-mail: Dankja@rm.dk

Funding: DKK 200,000 – for the preparation of a national and multidisciplinary investigatorā€initiated study

Read more, click here


RIPEC - Repeated intraperitoneal Chemotherapy. Improving survival and QoL for patients with moderate to severe peritoneal carcinomatosis from gastric- and GEJ cancer

Peritoneal carcinomatosis (PC) in gastric and GEJ cancer is associated with severely reduced quality of life, which limits the palliative options for PC-associated genes.

Studies from Asia have shown promising results using a peritoneal catheter in which chemotherapy is given repeatedly in combination with systemic chemotherapy (RIPEC). Significant tumor reduction and prolonged progression-free survival have been seen here.

After a systematic literature review, a protocol is drawn up with a view to preparing a phase-II study investigating the progression-free survival of patients with ventricular or GEJ cancer with peritoneal carcinomatosis treated with RIPEC.

In this context, applications are made to the scientific ethics committee, the Danish Medicines Agency and an application for endorsement of the project from the Danish EsophagoGastric Cancer Group (DECG).

In this way, the initiative wants to be able to extend the palliative treatment offer to a patient group with severely reduced quality of life, where treatment options are limited.

Multidisciplinary organisation: When the protocol is drawn up, it will be submitted to DECG - Danish EsophagoGastric Cancer Group with request for endorsement.

Primary contact person: Julie Lykke Harbjerg, e-mail: juharb@rm.dk

Funding: DKK 200,000 - for the preparation of a large application regarding a national project.

Read more, click here


Establishment of a National Advisory Board on Cancer in Pregnancy

Handling, including investigation, medical examination and treatment of cancer in pregnancy is complex, as there are two lives to consider. There is a need for interdisciplinary expert knowledge and clinical experience nationally to ensure optimal and individualised treatment of the mother and the unborn child.

Within the last approx. 15 years, there has been a paradigm shift in the management of pregnant women with cancer, where, as far as possible, treatment is recommended during pregnancy and to avoid premature delivery. Clinical experience and recent registry research suggest that this has not been fully implemented, which is probably due to the rarity of the condition, with around 23 new cases annually.

The initiative contributes to quality assurance through the establishment of a national database containing clinical cases and responses. Via easily accessible data, the database must contribute to an optimised overview for users and experts as well as sparring with the international network.

Primary contact person: Lone Storgaard Obstetric clinic, e-mail: Lone.storgaard.01@regionh.dk

Funding: DKK 68,500 - for the establishment of a new national, interdisciplinary network.

Read more, click here


Surgical Innovation and Advanced Techniques in Cancer Surgery and a national platform for experimental cancer surgery – A National Network

Experimental cancer surgery (ECS) is still only performed to a limited extent in clinical protocols and, if so, typically includes only one type of cancer.

With the formation of the network, it is desired to create a forum to start a discussion on how to establish a national framework and create a national platform for ECS. In addition, it is being investigated, whether techniques that have gained traction in one form of cancer also have beneficial effects for other forms of cancer across DMCGs and Danish Regions.

The meetings will focus on topics related to surgical skill and training of new cancer surgeons, ECS and implementation of new surgical techniques. Including new surgical methods such as imaging, 3D models and AI-driven options, but also improved surgical palliation for patients with incurable cancer.

At follow-up meetings, all protocols will be reviewed and adjustments made to ensure national feasibility and implementation of common generic endpoints.

Multidisciplinary organisation: DAHANCA - Danish Head and Neck Cancer Study Group, DAPROCA - Danish Urological Cancer Group, DCCG - Danish Colorectal Cancer Group, DACG - Danish Anal Cancer Group, DGCG - Danish Gynecological Cancer Group, DSG - Danish Sarcoma Group, DBCG - Danish Breast Cancer Group, DARENCA - Danish Renal Cancer Database & DMG - Danish Melanoma Group.

Primary contact person: Thomas Baad-Hansen, e-mail: thombaad@rm.dk

Funding: DKK 190,000 - for the establishment of a new national, interdisciplinary network.

Read more, click here.