Date & time: September, 2.- 4., 2021
Place: Klitgården Refugium, Skagen, Denmark
Organiser: Venous thromboembolism in patients diagnosed with primary lung cancer with a special focus on improved treatment and quality of life for the individual patient
 Thomas Decker Christensen,

The first meeting in the project is held Thursday the 2nd of September in the evening to Saturday the 4th of September in the afternoon at Klitgården Refugium i Skagenm, Denmark.

The project Venous thromboembolism in patients diagnosed with primary lung cancer with a special focus on improved treatment and quality of life for the individual patient works with Venous thromboembolism and focuses on patients with lungcancer

The purpose of this initiative is to meet in a multidisciplinary working group in order to plan and organize national multidisciplinary investigator initiated studies and attract external research grants, improve the prevention and treatment of these patients, and involve patients as an active partner and identify initiatives that can form the basis for increased patient involvement as well as strengthen international research collaboration within this field.

More information follows.