Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) for RT target definition and dose escalation in glioblastoma (GBM)
Grant received in 2020
DCCC has funded 200,000 DKKK to the preparation of this national and multidisciplinary investigator-initiated study.
Glioblastoma (GBM) is the most common and aggressive brain tumour among adults, who in average only survive 13 months after diagnosed. The standard treatment consists of radiotherapy and chemotherapy, but most patients experience relapse within 6-8 months. The aim of this national prospective study is to investigate if a higher radiation dose in a limited area of the brain, will improve survival ship and/or side effects.
The preparations are made in collaboration with Danish Neuro-Oncology Group (DNOG) and with participation from all four treatment facilities in Denmark.
Project stakeholders
- Aida Muhic, Consultant, Rigshospitalet, board member of DNOG
- Charlotte Haslund, Consultant, Aalborg Universitetshospital, board member of DNOG
- Rikke Dahlrot, phD., Specialty Registrar, Associate professor, Odense University Hospital
- Slavka Lukacova, phD., Specialty Registrar, Aarhus University Hospital, board member of DNOG, Head of the commission (nationale PI). Primary contact, mail: slavka.lukacova@auh.rm.dk
- Jesper Kallehauge, phD., MRI responsible, medical psysicist at the Danish Centre for Particle Therapy Dansk Center for Partikelterapi
- DCCC Brain Tumor Center
DCCC Strengthens Danish Cancer Research With 1.7 Million DKK, November 27, 2020