Model-bases selection of patients for advanced cancer therapies
Bevillingsår: 2017
DCCC støtter med 140.000 kr. til etabering af et nationalt, tværfagligt netværk på området
The aim of the joint efforts will be to incorporate age, gender, comorbidities, previous surgery and use of systemic antineoplastic therapies, to gain a deeper insight in the complex physiological interaction of the anatomical structures, to identify appropriate morbidities with the highest value for the patients, to evaluate the importance of genomic information and to integrate these factors into the NTCP models for patient selection. Furthermore, we should ensure that the normal tissue sparing by protons is not be on the expense of a reduced probability of cure. Model based selection will play an important role in selection of patients for advanced cancer therapies and it is therefore crucial that the concerns are addressed both in the future research.
Tværfaglig organisation
DCCC National Research Center for Radiotherapy
Deltagende parter
- Ivan Richter Vogelius, professor, MD, Onkologisk Afdeling, Rigshospitalet. Primær kontaktperson, mail:
Morten Høyer, professor, MD, Dansk Center for Partikelterapi, Aarhus Universitetshospital - DCCC National Research Center for Radiotherapy
Workshop: Modeling of Radiation Therapy Outcome Data