PROton versus Photon Therapy – A randomized controlled trial for local/locally advanced PROstate cancer (PRO-PROstate1)
Grant received in 2020
DCCC has funded 195,000 DKKK to the preparation of this national and multidisciplinary investigator-initiated study.
At present, we are preparing a clinical trial on high-risk prostate cancer to compare the currently best possible proton therapy treatment in Denmark to the state-of-the-art photon treatment. The goal is to improve the quality of life for the patients by irradiating the normal tissue in the pelvic area to a lower dose leading to less severe side effects from the gastrointestinal and genitourinary systems, as well as the sexual organs – while ensuring the same tumour control. Improved quality of life for the affected patients is of great importance, as prostate cancer is the most common cancer among men and affect around 4500 Danish men annually.
Study preparations are anchored in Danish Urological Cancer Group (DaProCa) and with participation from Danish Centre for Particle Therapy, Aarhus University Hospital, Odense University Hospital, Herlev Hospital, Vejle Hospital, Rigshospitalet, and Aalborg University hospital
Status as of April 1st, 2023: A clinical protocol study for proton treatment of high-risk prostate cancer patients has been prepared and initiated. The protocol is in the pilot phase, and therefore the initiative supported by DCCC has been completed. Going forward, there will be applications for an extension of the pilot phase and subsequent start of the randomized part of the protocol.
Multidisciplinary organisation
The project concerns the PRO-PROstate1 protocol drafted within DAPROCA
Project stakeholders
- Ludvig Paul Muren, Ph.D., Professor, group leader at the Danish Center for Particle Therapy, Aarhus. Primary contact, Mail:
- Lise N Bentzen, Senior Consultant, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Aarhus University Hospital
- Steinbjørn Hansen, Consultant, Associate professor, Odense University Hospital
- Morten Høyer, Professor, medical director, Danish Center for Particle Therapy
- Henriette Lindberg Consultant, Herlev Hospital
- Inge Mejlholm, Consultant, Vejle Hospital
- Peter Meidahl Petersen, Consultant, Professor, Rigshospitalet
- Jimmi Søndergaard, Senior Consultant, Ph.D. Head of Department, Aalborg University Hospital
DCCC Strengthens Danish Cancer Research With 1.7 Million DKK, November 27, 2020