Dansk Center for Partikelterapi - Årlig symposium 2023
Dato og tid: 19. juni 2023
Sted: Dansk Center for Partikelterapi & Aarhus Universitetshospital
Arrangør: Dansk Center for Partikelterapi
Tilmelding: via dette link, klik her
Tilmeldingsfrist: 29. maj 2023
Kontakt: kommunikationskosulent Simone Bertelsen, e-mail: simone.bertelsen@rm.dk
Dette arrangement afholdes på engelsk
On June 19, the day before BiGART 2023 kicks off, the Danish Centre for Particle Therapy hosts a full-day scientific symposium that features:
- Insight in ongoing translational and clinical research
- Discussions of Nordic collaborative potentials
- Tour of DCPT incl. 'meet and greet'
- Reception
More information at: https://danish.events/dcptsymposium2023