European Cancer Rehabilitation & Survivorship Symposium
Dato & tid: 9.-10. september 2024
Sted: Charlottehaven, Hjørringgade 12C, 2100 København
Arrangør: Acta Oncologica, CASTLE - Nationalt Center for Senfølger hos kræftoverlevere og Kræftens Bekæmpelse
Tilmelding: via link, klik her
Kontakt: lissa@CANCER.DK
Dette arrangement afholdes på engelsk.
This will be the seventh time we organize this Acta Oncologica Symposium for clinicians, researchers, and people employed in the health administration on all levels in our European societies and abroad.
We are excited to invite you to join us in Copenhagen for our conference, which we have decided to organize as a physical symposium. We have a hunger for seeing each other again following the pandemic, to restore scientific communication in person and to talk and exchange our experiences from the last years.
ECRS 2024 hopefully attracts a diverse group of participants, working with cancer reabilitation and survivorship - no matter if you work in the local community, the hospital sector, administration, advocacy or research. The degree of self-participation, decision sharing, and caretaking is rising concurrently during but also after treatment, spilling into after-care and rehabilitation.
How can we address the challenges of the increasing incidence of late effects in our population of cancer survivors in which every second cancer patient already had another chronic dissease at diagnosis?