IMMUNONET: Public-Private partnerships in immuno-oncology
Dato & tid: D. 5. november 2018 kl. 13.15-20.00
Sted: COBIS A/S, Ole Maaloees Vej 3, 2200 Copenhagen N
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Tilmelding til IMMUNONET workshop
Cancer immunotherapy is an increasing interdisciplinary research field, involving researchers from basic medical research, clinical and translational research, and bioinformatics. Denmark has a prominent position in the field, with top academic and industrial players in the arena. IMMUNONET, the first established network of immuno-oncology researchers, wishes to facilitate the interaction between public and private enterprises within Denmark.
This workshop will focus on best-practice, experience, and current challenges for public-private collaboration in Immuno-Oncology. Talks by key national speakers representing key players in the regional arena will be featured in an open forum with plenty of possibilities to initiate further discussion and establish collaborative activities.