Meeting in Multidisciplinary Network for Focal therapy of Prostate Cancer
Dato & tid: 3. december 2020 kl. 15:00-17:15
Sted: Virtuelt
Arrangør: Multidisciplinært netværk for fokal behandling af prostatacancer
Kontakt: Simon Buus via e-mail:
Tilmelding og frist: via email inden d. 2. december
Deltagere: for deltagelse skal du have viden og interesse indenfor prostatakræft
The aim of this founding meeting is take the first steps towards a thriving network. It is organized to get acquainted with each other through short presentations of your work. This will hopefully open for discussions about what interests and opportunities the network holds. The meeting should shed light to the shared interests within the network and lead to the formation of two or more working groups. These working groups are meant to elaborate with their ideas for designing studies to be presented at the next meeting in May.
Next meeting
The next meeting will take place 25-26th May 2021 at Sandbjerg Gods in Denmark as a symposium. We hope the corona situation will give us the chance to meet in person so we can elaborate in depth with the defined research questions and protocol propositions. Please, save the dates and check DCCC's calender.
Read the programme and agenda here