Symposium on MR and MR-guided RT
Dato & tid: 12. - 14. september 2022
Sted: Comwell H.C. Andersen, 5000 Odense
Arrangør: National arbejdsgruppe for MR accelerator baseret strålebehandling og Danish Society for Medical Physics (DSMF)
Tilmelding: Via dette link.
Tilmeldingsfrist: 1. juli 2022
Kontakt: Anders F. S. Mikkelsen via e-mail:
Dette arrangement afholdes på engelsk.
On September 12th to 14th, The Danish Working Group for MR-Linac based Radiotherapy (DCCC) and Danish Society for Medical Physics (DSMF) invites to a symposium at Comwell H.C. Andersen in Odense.
The symboisium takes place over three days:
12th: MR Basics, MR within imaging diagnostics and treatment, MR safety and Frontiers
13th: Introduction to MR-Linac from a technical and clinical perspective
14th: National MR-linac meeting involving clinicians and researchers from across the country
The symposium is partly funded by DCCC and DSMF.
About The Danish Working Group for MR-Linac based Radiotherapy:
A network supported by the Danish Comprehensive Cancer Center (DCCC). Established in 2019 with Rigshospitalet, Herlev Hospital, and Odense University hospital as stakeholders, and serves as a platform for collaboration to secure optimal implementation of the new MR based solutions to deliver radiotherapy (MR-Linacs).
About DSMF:
Danish Society for Medical Physics is a scientific community related to the application of radiation in the diagnostic and therapeutic areas in healthcare. The society represents the group of hospital physicists in the hospital departments utilizing ionizing radiation, i.e. the areas of radiation therapy, x-ray diagnostics and nuclear medicine.