The first multidisciplinary Nordic symposium on Anal cancer
Dato & tid: D. 8-9. november 2018 kl. 10.00 - 16.00
Sted: Helnan Marselis Hotel, Aarhus
Arrangør: Dansk Anal Cancer Grupper (DACG)
Deltagerpris: Gratis
Tilmeldingsfrist: 1, november 2018
Kontakt person: Karen-Lise Garm Spindler,
Tilmelding: Tilmelding kan foregå på eller via denne tilmeldingsformular.
The programme will include updates on standard of care in the Nordic countries, radiotherapy development, systemic treatment, translational research, late toxicity and shared decision-making studies.
Participants from all professional groups, treating this rare disease in the Nordic countries are welcomed for multidisciplinary presentations and discussions.
The symposium is supported by the Danish Comprehensive Cancer Centre and the Danish Cancer Society.