The poster session this year is designed as a poster walk, where 10 different tracks consisting of 9-11 posters each will be presented. Foto: DKD2023, Jesper Balleby.


As a returning element, over 100 Danish researchers will present posters at the Danish Cancer Research Days 2023. However, this year we aim to increase interaction and provide you with the opportunity to explore the research that is most relevant to you. Therefore, there will be an option to sign up for guided poster walks in 10 different tracks.

Danish Cancer Research Days is the largest interdisciplinary cancer conference in Denmark. Over the course of two days, it brings together more than 500 clinicians, researchers, patient associations, and decision-makers within the field, with a specific focus on new and important Danish research.

At the conference, over 100 Danish researchers will present their posters. As a new feature this year, you can participate in moderated poster walks with discussion groups during the session. There are a total of 10 different tracks available for you to choose from.

Each group will be led by two moderators who will guide participants through approximately 10 posters in each track. Each poster-presenter will have the opportunity to communicate the scientific content of their poster in an audience-friendly manner and answer questions from the group.

Preview the abstract book now
You can already start preparing for the poster walk by delving into the research that will be presented. All the posters have been selected based on submitted abstracts, which have just been published in an abstract book. You can access the book by clicking here.

The book is divided into the 10 tracks that will be available for the poster walk. Within the book, you will also discover the abstracts chosen for Flash Talks, as well as the seven "Exceptional Young Scientist Abstracts" who will present their research to the more than 500 participants on Thursday.

Best Poster Award
Based on the poster session, the 'Best Poster Award' will be granted. The award is granted to the researcher who can present their poster at the highest level both visually and verbally.

The award is given to the best communicated poster. The criteria for receiving the award are:

  1. For a clear and concise visual presentation of scientifically strong content. Originality is, of course, a plus.
  2. To a poster-presenter who excels in conveying their research in a way that is both understandable and interesting to the audience, where the main points are clearly evident from the poster itself. This means delivering high-quality, audience-friendly communication - both visually and verbally.

The poster should be able to provide an overview of the project on its own, and the oral presentation should further develop the project to the extent allowed by time, while promoting clarity and facilitating further discussion. The moderators in each track will nominate a candidate for the "Best Poster Award." Subsequently, an interdisciplinary Judging Committee will determine the final winner among the selected posters.

The Judging Committee consists of Ulrik Lassen (Consultant, Rigshospitalet and chairman of the committee), Line Berntsen (medical doctor, PhD, session manager), Randi Krogsaard (patient representative and member of the DCCC Steering Committee) and Anders Høøg Lammers (Editor for Researchers,

Read more

Read more information about the poster session and the practical framework, click here.

Read more about Danish Cancer Research Days 2023, click here.

See pictures and videos from the poster session, that took place on Thursday afternoon during this year's Danish Cancer Research Days 2023, in the video below.

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