Research webinar om analcancer
Dato & tid: 5. november 2020 kl. 13.00-16.00 (CET)
Tilmelding: Senest 29. oktober via dette link
Den 5. november afholdes der webinar om analcancer i regi af Dansk Anal Cancer Gruppe og nordisk analcancer netværk, NOAC.
13:00-13:10 Welcome
Karen-Lise Spindler, Aarhus, Denmark
13:10-13:35 Session 1: Advances in chemoradiotherapy
Chairs: Pierfrancesco Franco, Turin, Italy and David Sebag-Montefiore, Leeds, UK
- Pierfrancesco Franco, Turin, Italy: What are the standard(s) of care in 2020 for curative treatment of anal cancer
- David Sebag-Montefiore, Leeds, UK: How can we optimise treatment
- Discussion
13:35-14:00 Session 2: Optimizing systemic therapy in metastatic anal cancer
Chairs: Sheela Rao, Sutton, UK and Dirk Arnold, Hamburg, Germany
- Sheela Rao, Sutton, UK: Key trials for metastatic disease
- Dirk Arnold, Hamburg, Germany: Creating a global registry for metastatic anal cancer
- Duncan Gilbert, Brighton, UK: Immunotherapy linking the lab and the clinic
- Discussion
14:00-14:20 Session 3: Multimodal approaches for advanced disease
Chairs: Marianne Guren, Oslo, Norway and Eva Segelov, Melbourne, Australia
- Marianne Guren, Oslo, Norway: Anal Cancer Case 1
- Eva Segelov, Melbourne, Australia: Anal Cancer Case 2
- Discussion
14:20-14-30 Short break
14:30-14:55 Session 4: Prognostic and predictive biomarkers and how can we use them
Chairs: Karen-Lise Spindler, Aarhus, DK and Eric Deutsch, Paris, France
- Karen-Lise Spindler, Aarhus, DK: Circulating tumor DNA in anal cancer
- Jens Overgaard, Aarhus, DK: Radiobiology in SCC – lessons from other SCC’s to be explored in anal cancer
- Discussion
14:55-15:35 Session 5: Survivorship and follow-up in anal cancer patients
Chairs: Anders Johnsson, Lund, Sweden and Peter Christensen, Aarhus, DK
- Anders Johnsson, Lund, Sweden: Follow-up after primary chemoradiation
- Søren Rafaelsen, Vejle, DK: Imaging during follow-up (and for initial staging)
- Vasilis Vasiliou, Nicosia, Cyprus: Monitoring late morbidity
- Peter Christensen, Aarhus, DK: Handling late morbidity
- Discussion
15:35-16:00 Session 6: Pitch your research idea
Chairs: IMACC faculty
Selected visual abstracts for study proposals
16:00 Summary and information on IMACC2021
Karen-Lise Spindler, Aarhus, Denmark
Printvenlig version af programmet kan downloades her.
International konference om analcancer afholdes i 2021
Den første International Multidisciplinary Anal Cancer Conference (IMACC) afholdes i Aarhus i 2021. Læs mere her.